I had to host a talent show on my second to last day and I was the only one who could really enjoy it because I am the only one who really speaks English. It was very sweet though and the students were darling. One of my students (the girl I run with) got up and read a very sweet letter to me that brought tears to my eyes. I will say that leaving that school was one of the happiest moments of my life, it was like graduating high school all over again.
I don't really have time to write about everything that has happened because I am too busy celebrating my newfound freedom and trying to convince some men to take Kristin and me into Bolivia, but I will share some photos.
This is Rodrigo, my new boyfriend (I don't think Zach will mind, he is very friendly). He was so cute. The kids had never seen white skin and asked their teacher if we were real.
Kristin enjoying the goodbye asado. It was delicious.
Kristin has been a real champion down here. She went on an incredible sounding hike, traveled on her own, and has made friends with everyone she meets. I will let her tell you all about this later.
Until then, what are your opinions on us entering Bolivia?
Until then, what are your opinions on us entering Bolivia?