The Araucania Tree

The Araucania Tree
Only in Chile and Dr. Seuss books.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Here I go again on my own...

To quote Whitesnake, "like a drifter I was born to walk alone."
Happy New Year! I hope everyone has a great one and does something fabulous to celebrate 2010.
I am headed south for Santiago in one hour. I am in the Atlanta airport and never before has four hours seemed so long and so short. I shall be out of communication via my cell phone in one hour and I am still unsure of how I will survive without constant texts.
I've received a few emails from some people in Santiago who want to be my friend already. Maybe I will encounter a new breed of humans who cannot wait to be my friend, this could be the beginning of something beautiful.
Much love to you all and thanks for being a part of my adventure and being so encouraging.
Lady KJ, I love you. Thanks for worrying about me.


  1. I was happy to hear that you made it to Chile! Hi to all the Hanleys.

    Love you,

  2. i'm very glad you're there, hannah. i think this year will be a great one for you. hugs to the hanleys. be careful with yourself. love you to pieces!
